Apple: The Master of the Emotional Appeal

Apple is consistently used as an example of brilliant marketing or branding, and with good reason.

Apple has a long history of creating ground breaking ads that resonate with their audience in an incredibly powerful way.  Starting with their 1984 Super Bowl ad.

Apple: 1984

Time and again, Apple creates campaigns that are not only powerful and relevant in the moment.  They become a part of the history of advertising.

Your Fancy Header Title Here!

And 30 years later, Apple continues this trend of powerful advertising that creates a strong emotional response and inspires brand loyalty to a product that is, quite frankly, significantly more expensive than almost all of their competitors.

Apple: What’s Your Verse?

Why are Apple fans so devoted to Apple?  Why do we line up for the latest products over and over again?  Why do we continue to spend more money than we would buying similar products from another company?


Because Apple has mastered the emotional connection.

Apple inspires us.

Because Apple has mastered the emotional connection.  Apple inspires us.

In all three of the ads above, they do not once say anything about the features and function of their products.  For 30 years the message has been very clear.  Together, we will change the world.

Without ever listing a single specific product feature, Apple has inspired us to believe that we can change the world.  And that Apple is our partner in that change.  That Apple empowers us to not only create that change, but to be that change.

It’s a powerful message.  And it was been the single consistent message of the brand for decades.  It creates a powerful emotional bond between the consumer and the brand.  And they have delivered on that promise.  They have in fact changed the world, time and time again.

That is not to say that Apple never talks about the features and functions of their products, because they do at great length.  But they do so in very specific environments.  Their product demos are featured on their website and at their keynote presentations.  These are all places where the consumer must come to them specifically to seek out those features and functions.  But until the consumer is ready to seek out those details, the conversation that Apple has with their audience is purely emotional, purely inspirational.

Why then do so many companies still kick off the conversation with their audience with the features of their product rather than seeking to establish a rapport with their customers?

2014 has been a major year for the shift in the conversation that advertising has with their customers.  More and more brands are speaking to their audience rather than about their products.

What would you say to your customer if you weren’t allowed to say anything about your specific product?  Does your company share similar values with your customer?  Does your product have a significant positive impact on the lives of your customer?  Does your product make your customer feel better about themselves?  Where does that connection to your audience come into play?

These can be difficult questions, but it is critical that we know the answers.


Posted on December 28, 2015 in Marketing

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